Good tea. We freaking love it.
We drink it in the morning, and the evening. We use it to wake up, to stay focused and to chill out. To warm up and to cool down. We drink it at home and at work, at cafes, and under an open sky. For us, tea is the every-time drink, and we want to share that with you.
Tea for all of life's adventures.
Canberra born and bred
Waypoint Tea Co operates out of Canberra, Australia. We sell our tea directly to consumers, as well as wholesale tea to cafes in our region. We also offer a range of training and individualised events.
We source our tea in two ways:
- From the plantations themselves, either directly or through through tea buyers we trust, who have vetted the growers with their own eyes; and
- From importers we trust, often people who have been in the tea industry for longer than we have been alive.
We take our corporate social responsibility seriously, and as we grow will will move all of our sourcing towards direct trade.
We love tea, and we do our best to respect the hard yakka of everyone who comes before us in the supply chain.
We aim to be as environmentally responsible as possible - as we believe all good companies should. This impacts our current approach to sourcing tea, and as we grow will impact our entire philosophy.
Our company's sustainability goals:
- To commit to a carbon offset process where we measure, reduce and ultimately offset our greenhouse gas emissions.
- To continue to source our teas and run our operations with a view on minimising our impact on the environment.
Questions? Just reach out here and we'll get straight back to you.